The Leadership Expereince
that Changes Organizations and Transforms Lives!

The Leadership Legacy Journey™ Programs
Leadership Legacy Journey Briefing™
For the CEO, Board of Directors, Executive Committee
Leadership Legacy Journey for Executives™
For Senior Operating Executives
Leadership Legacy Journey for Supervisors™
For Leaders and managers below the Operating Executive level
Leadership Legacy Journey for Teams™
For Operating and Ad Hoc teams

The Leadership Legacy Journey™
Programs Session Topic Matrix
Develop the leadership that improves organizational performance, bottom line results and transforms Lives!
The Leadership Legacy Journey™ is designed to be an experience rather than an event. The twelve sessions have been designed and sequenced to challenge long-held beliefs and to provide participants with new ways of thinking and behaving as leaders. The ability to apply new skills and insights in daily leadership interactions provides immediate feedback that can be explored in future sessions.The four program levels of the Leadership Legacy Journey™ are tailored to each client to address specific needs and desired outcomes.
In the program, participants will learn how to:
Understand themselves more deeply through the uniqueness of their life story. With this understanding leaders are better prepared to set aside biases and triggers that derail their effectiveness.
Use the knowledge of neuroscience to understand the connection between behavior and leadership
Lead with heart (passion, compassion, empathy, courage) and inspire and empower others to lead with heart while in the pursuit of shared organizational goals
Provide leadership to the organization that is consistent with your organizations values and mission
Learn to lead in an ever changing world by taking “agile action”
Create a culture of teamwork, commitment, and collaboration to improve communication and problem solving effectiveness
Manage conflict effectively
Effectively give and receive coaching feedback
Course Methodology
The Leadership Legacy Journey™ builds Leadership effectiveness through an experiential and coaching based process that fosters both personal and professional introspection, development, and growth using as its core practices that provide the most impact. The program is designed to challenge participants and develop their leadership skills and insights over time thus allowing those new skills and insights to be tested and refined in both the group and individual coaching sessions and in their daily leadership interactions.
The programs are designed to be:
Practical in application
Motivational in its effect
Vital to organizational success
Key Features of the Leadership Legacy Journey™
Assessment feedback is given in the context of receptive and engaged teams
Teams learn best in collegial groups;
Participants grow deeper relationships when engaged in shared experiences;
Small step processes allow for testing of new concepts, critical to building new neuro-pathways
New information is more quickly grasped when coupled with individual coaching;
Performance expectations are more clearly understood when reinforced by peers.
The programs take place on a schedule agreed to by the client to fit organizational restraints and staff schedules usually every 2 - 4 weeks. Each session (Except Leadership Legacy Journey™ for Teams) will consist of a two-hour group session followed by forty-five minute individual coaching sessions. Each session will have both pre-work and follow up activities. Coaching sessions will address leadership topics covered in the content portion of the day and focus on each leader’s personal goals and aspirations for the program.
Schedule and Deliverables
The programs are designed to be delivered every 2-4 weeks but other schedules are possible.
Each participant will receive:
Leadership Journal
Leadership Action Plan
Life Story Journal with guiding questions
Appropriate classroom materials and notes
Individual results from the following assessments:
Strengths Deployment Inventory™
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator™
Self-awareness Assessment™
Leadership Agility Profile™
“Leadership is not about the results you achieve, but rather it is about the leaders you develop and the results they achieve.”
Steven T. Royal, ActionPoint Partners
What Clients are Saying
“Steve presents a fresh look at true leadership, including management in a changing world. His style is engaging and is designed to stay with you past the "honeymoon phase" you have with traditional seminars. You will be changed ... and you should be. If you have the courage to be the best you and reach your potential for yourself and the people around you, then I encourage you to take part in one of Steve's programs. You can't put a value on the time invested with him!” Supervisor – Health Care
“We had Steve come into our organization and do a yearlong leadership class with coaching for our Departmental Manager Team. It was a life-changing event for almost the entire team. The course entitled the Leadership Legacy Journey™ was designed so that individual team members could learn more about who they are with the thought that armed with this insight they would become better managers and mentors to the teams they oversee. I would highly recommend Steve's program. We were grateful for Steve's gentle but effective approach in presenting the program to our team. It has had a very positive impact for all the managers in our organization.” Executive Director – Retirement Community